Shumate's Peace Maker, Shumate Razor Co., St. Louis, USA
Shumate's Peace Maker, Shumate Razor Co., St. Louis, USA
Founded in Austin, Texas about 1884 by Albert Teagarden. Joseph Shumate became a partner in 1895, and the name became Teagarden and Shumate. The firm first dealt in cutlery about 1900, and soon changed the name to the Shumate Razor Company.
In 1904, Shumate moved to St.Louis, Missouri and no more than two years later the main office was located in St.Louis. In 1919, Fred S. and A.E. Roth became partners in the firm and by 1927, they were selling pocket knives marked Shumate, Roth, Aristocrat, Stainless Cutlery Co., and Waldemar. The firm operated until 1932.
This razor predates the company's demise as "Shumate Razor Co." existed only until 1920 making this razor 97-117 years of age.
The blade is in excellent condition displaying minimal hone ware. All rust was removed from the blade and was brought to a high polish.
The original scale set was used, thoroughly cleaned, sanded and polished. The razor was pinned together using the original black wedge, new brass pins and the original thrust washers.
This razor will arrive expertly honed, sterilized and shave ready.
Happy shaving!